I met my cousins today and had a chat. Well, it did make me feel like wasting time (because they kept babbling about what they know and why they're the best) but the more I talked to them, the more I learnt about myself. I changed. (So obviously, it was not wasting time).
Source: Pinterest (Idk why I inserted this, it's cute...)
Source: Pinterest (Idk why I inserted this, it's cute...)
After a few months (I skipped my military semester to work on my business this summer), I'm not even aware that I changed, THAT MUCH.
I basically just wake up earlier every single day, focus on one thing, do it again & again and read more. So I don't think that it actually affects me that much. But well, I guess it's worth it. Today I realized.
There are two types of people that I swear I will avoid at all cost to become.
Number 1: The BIG EGO person
The type of person that can have lots of dreams, lots of passion but their ego is way too high for them to listen to others, to cooperate and to grow.
I swear to god I used to be this type of person. And maybe it's not because I actually had a big ego. Maybe that BIG EGO I thought I had was just something I made up to prevent myself from being vulnerable.
When you're afraid to face your fears, you assume that you're strong, try to forget about the fears, and even running away. But little do you know the strong ones actually go through the fear and fight for themselves even though they're scared as fuck, not running away.
Number 2: The KNOW-IT-ALL person
Let's say you're 28 years old, and you have experienced a bit of this life. But you stop learning and experiencing (because you assume you know everything), and you start to teach others, putting your perspective into their lives, acting like you know everything about this life. 
You failed once and you think everyone else will fail.
You don't know something, but when someone younger asks about it, you act like you know about it. Because you don't want to be embarrassed, don't want to be the ones that don't know things.
Don't want to accept your own ignorance.
And the irony is ignorant people don't know they're ignorant.
Sometimes, I'm this type of person. But I always try to remind myself to only give advice if I actually walk the talk (not babbling without experience) and my advices will be beneficial to the ones in need.
Well, if my future self is reading this, I want to say: Learn. Know yourself. Don't be fucking ignorant, okay? Accept your lack of knowledge and learn, from anything, anyone, anywhere. Give your fucking ego away if it stops you from growing.
Okay let's go to sleep 🥺
21 Sep.