5 days a week, 8 hours a day, I go to work.
This is the typical life of a normal fresh graduater, going out of the comfort-but-not-at-all zone of studying into the world of a fulltime work-er.
A lot of my friends seem to "get successfull" quite soon. I mean, at this moment, while I am doing quite good with  my 300$ salary a month, they have already doubled that amount. 
Looking back at my journey, it seems like I've reached all the goals for a Vietnamese good girl who strikes for a "good and stable life": Study. Get some prizes for a gifted student, one of these is a National prize (well, still a shining feather in my cap, as always). Go to one of the most prestigious university. Get the "Very good" certificate for my academic acquisition. Literally have nothing in my head about my university major. Use English as the only tool at work. Drink 2 cups of milo at work a day.
Erh wait, is there anything not so right here?
Do I just lose the track?
Haha yes and no.
My life is still so stable.
I am going the easy way.
But it is definitely a big  No No.
It would be fine if I did not accidentally find out I could be much more than a good and stable girl someday last year.
But yeah, I did.
It's a long story to tell but in short, I discovered that my perfect adaptibility was invaluable, and my desire to learn was always so big. Things have actually got worse after that. I can never feel so comfortable in a small pond. My dreams are getting bigger and bigger. My ideal life changes so much that the current me just cannot run fast enough to grasp it.
Back to the present, I am looking outside the window. It's a wall-side window, which looks out to an old residence. People seem a little bit careless here. Lots of middle-aged ladies gathering to go somewhere together, chit-chatting like hell, some old men doing exercises by running all a long the stairs, up then down. Everything is so peaceful.
The vibe just gets me tired. 
Someday in the near future, when money will truly matter to me, I will have to make ends meet, I will have to think of milk for my kids, meals for the whole family, and the bunch of bills waving me right on the kitchen table. Who am I then?
Maybe right opposite my residence, there will be a girl looking curiously at me and my squad, letting her head wandering.
I know I have to change.
A lot.