before watching a pornographic product, please notice*: 0__ WHAT PORN DOESN'T SHOW: - The pain and the embarrassment after involuntary sex. - Porn actors spend around 5 to 27 hours just to create the fraudulent feeling that you obtain through your eyes (not your nerves) - The editors and producer want us to crave for their products, so violence and distasteful-in-real-life actions are common sense. 0__WHAT PORN SHOW: - Size matters far more than softness and tenderness. - You are alone - Sex comes with guilty feelings and sometimes (or most of the time) the person-who-lies-under is one of the man's many toys. (which is un-luxurious)
Porn is often a taboo in Vietnam and is often discussed in form of "parental threats". Not much effort has been done, so the curiosity is often unleashed by senseless videos and pictures, nurturing a loveless generation of sexual disorientation. credit: vabby5490
Very true but in a way, what are the alternatives for those who cant find a lover (seriously cant find one)? Most often we know what is the right answer but knowing the right answer is very different from doing the right thing.