Explorer (Day 18 in 30-Day Writing Challenge)
Recently I have a desire to explore the world out there. While there are tons of things I don’t know about, sitting in the same place...
Recently I have a desire to explore the world out there. While there are tons of things I don’t know about, sitting in the same place starts getting me bored.
There must be a lot of things, exciting things, and interesting people. And I want to see them.
I miss the feeling of excitement when I had a chance to expose myself to a totally new thing. Things that I have to say "Wow". I didn't feel it for a quite long time.
I even imagine myself for the next few years enjoying my life in different cities, countries, still (even more) wild, still single. (Strangely, along with that desire, I never picture my self attached to anyone, any place, just myself)
I think I want to be an explorer.
But what it really is to be an explorer?

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