Gay community in Vietnam

In the context of more people paying attention to the influence of the LGBT community in Vietnam, we cannot ignore the diversity and progress of the gay community in the country. Expressed through the term "GAY," describes men who are emotionally and sexually attracted to each other. This community not only includes people of different ethnicities, ages, economic statuses, and gender self-concepts, but is also an intersection of individuals with diverse sexual identities .
Regarding LGBT rights in Vietnam, there have been positive changes. Homosexuality is no longer considered a "sickness", and our country has taken important steps to recognize and protect the rights of transgender people. Although there are no comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, the public mindset, especially in urban areas, has become more accepting. Gender diversity and LGBT activism are increasingly appearing in media and community activities, while creating understanding and increasing social visibility.
The scale of the Gay community in Vietnam is very large, raising some important questions about the size and general characteristics of the LGBT community. Therefore, research on this group both provides an overview of the size of the LGBT community and focuses on common characteristics that gay people in Vietnam can share.

The process of accepting yourself and “Coming out”

Although there have been positive developments in the community, we still need to look at the challenges that may still exist because the lack of understanding about the Gay community in Vietnam is not just a problem of the community itself. This is also a problem for the whole society. Life is always full of constant challenges and events, accepting oneself and deciding to "Coming Out" is a journey full of hardships and meaning. Stories of acceptance and the decision to declare oneself as gay are personal actions that provide important beginnings in the development of individuals and the LGBT community.
Self-acceptance is not just about acknowledging sexual differences, but also about finding and building a positive self-image. Facing a society with many layers of color, with limitations and prejudices, this process is not only an inner journey but also a challenge related to building self-esteem and confidence. People going through this process have to face worries, fears, and sometimes loneliness in coming to grips with themselves.
If self-acceptance is a process of internal struggle, then the decision to "Coming Out" is a brilliant step, a bold and important action. It could be the announcement of one's own sexual orientation or through the way each LGBT person chooses to shine, to convey the message of freedom and autonomy. "Coming Out" is the first prerequisite, the beginning of a continuous process, step by step, to build acceptance of yourself and the surrounding society.

The Story of “Coming Out”

The story of "Coming Out" is often told through unique and diverse perspectives. Each person carries a unique story, personal and unique. There are those who choose to be direct and reveal it all from the beginning, while others may choose to go from revealing to friends to sharing with family. Most importantly, they all choose a path that reflects their soul and personal values.
In this article, we will share a story about the process of self-acceptance and the decision to "Coming out" of gay people in Vietnam. These stories will show their feelings, thoughts and actions during the process of revealing their sexual orientation, as well as the influence of the media and community attitudes towards them. We hope that these stories will help you have a deeper look at the gay community in Vietnam, as well as the problems they are facing and need to be resolved.
The first story is from Tung, a university student in Hanoi. Tung realized he was gay when he was in high school, but he didn't dare tell anyone, for fear of being teased by his friends, disapproved of by his family, and scorned by society. Tung only dared to go online to look for information and people in the same situation as him. He also participates in several forums and chat groups about LGBT, where he can freely express and share his feelings. When he entered college, he decided to "come out" to some of his close friends. Tung was very worried and scared to tell the truth, but he also felt very relieved and happy when receiving support and encouragement from his friends. Tung feels lucky to have good and sympathetic friends. He also gradually became more confident about himself, and started dating a friend from school. However, "coming out" to family is another story. Tung knows that his parents are very traditional and want him to have a normal life like everyone else. Tung also knew that if he "came out" to his parents, he would face a lot of pressure and opposition. Tung doesn't want to make his parents sad and disappointed, but he also doesn't want to live in lies and concealment. Tung was always confused and miserable about his decision.
One day, he decided to take a risk and tell his parents about his sexual orientation. Tung hoped that his parents would understand and accept him, but that did not happen. His parents were shocked and angry when they heard this news. They don't believe that their son is gay, and think it is a mistake, an illness, a sin. They tried to persuade, threaten and force him to change, or at least keep this truth a secret. They also banned him from contact with his boyfriend and gay friends. Tung was heartbroken and disappointed when he realized that his parents could not accept him for who he really was. He also felt very helpless and hopeless as he couldn't do anything to change the situation. Tung can only hope that one day, his parents will understand and love him like before. Tung also constantly looks for sources of motivation and support from friends, lovers and the LGBT community.
That is Tung's story, one of many stories about coming out of gay people in Vietnam. Each story has its own characteristics, emotions and different outcomes. But they all show one thing in common, which is the courage and determination of gay people to live true to themselves and society. These stories also show the influence of the media and community attitudes on their coming out process.
Therefore, the process of accepting themselves and coming out for gay people in Vietnam is a challenging process and requires courage and determination. Gay people not only need to be accepted by themselves, but also need to be accepted by family, friends and society. To do this, change is needed from both sides, both gay people and the community. Gay people need confidence, pride and freedom to express themselves, as well as preparation, consideration and respect when coming out. The community needs understanding, fairness and respect for gay people, as well as change, dialogue and cooperation when accepting them. Only then will the gay community in Vietnam be able to live honestly, freely and in harmony with their gender and sexual identities.
Modern media is becoming an increasingly important source of information, not only a tool to convey news but also a platform for the gay community to share, reveal and understand each other. Stories shared through the media both create a deep understanding of the community and open the door to acceptance and empathy from all sides.
Family is often an important starting point, but for many people in the LGBT community, this is also a place of many pressures and difficulties. Media helps them share stories about facing ignorance, confronting socially defined constructs, and finding acceptance from family.

Surrounding relationships of people "in the community"

A typical example revealed by the media is the sweet but also thorny love affair of Khang Le and Nguyen Anh. Through the media lens, Khang Le confided his long-held secret thoughts. He shared that his family is of Northern origin, so there is still a lot of discrimination against homosexuality. His parents thought he was sick, did not allow him to love, forbade him, and even went to a doctor for treatment. There was a time when he was banned from the door, not allowed to use the phone or the Internet, and when he went out, he was controlled by someone, with the sole purpose of not letting him meet Nguyen Anh. Family is often considered a safe place, but in this and many other cases it becomes a source of pain and unhappiness. The family not only does not accept, but also imposes change and sees it as a "disease". The family's lack of sympathy and understanding has caused individuals to face controlling and prohibitive measures, which causes great damage to each person's soul and spirit.
Individuals in the gay community also have to face many objections and gossip from their own friends, colleagues, and brothers. They have to endure disparaging words like "you're an abnormal, sick person" or scrutinizing eyes, whispers, gossip behind their backs... or looks full of pity and sympathy. , even though they didn't do anything shady, wrong, or illegal. The story of Tran Nhut Khang (born in 1999, Can Tho City) was revealed by the media and emphasized the journey he went through - the journey of defining and accepting himself. Even though it hasn't been made public, friends have continuously teased Khang for being "slutty". Every day in his dreams, Khang sees someone saying to his parents: "Khang be dike", they curse his parents for not knowing how to raise their children. From Khang's confession, many times when he went to the bathroom, a bucket of water was thrown from above, followed by the sound of his friends laughing outside. During his middle school years, threats, contempt, defamation... at school were everyday things that Khang had to face. Even the teacher - who was considered a second father and mother - also kicked him out because the teacher thought he was not normal and strange.
The LGBT community, specifically the gay community, is experiencing many positive changes, and the joy and rights they receive are the same as any other community. Many countries including Vietnam have now recognized and supported same-sex marriage, bringing great joy to same-sex couples, creating conditions for them to have a happy and stable family life. In addition, the development of pro-LGBT organizations and communities provides a comprehensive source of support, including psychological, social and legal aspects, helping them live, work and entertain in a safe environment. supportive and safe environment. In particular, progress in policy and law has played an important role in protecting the rights and safety of the gay community, providing a fair and equal playing field.

Media: Faces of Diversity and Challenges

In recent decades, there has been a significant change in the way the media represents the "Gay" community in Vietnam. Television shows and movies are increasingly diversifying gay characters, giving audiences the opportunity to see multidimensional and positive stories about their lives. However, at times, the media can also risk reality or create harmful images, posing challenges in ensuring diversity and equity.
A great opportunity for the media is to make stories about the "Gay" community more popular and humanized. This diversity not only broadens audience understanding but also helps change public perception of homosexuality. At the same time, active participation in media projects can create a safe and accepting space, encouraging both personal stories and community topics to be addressed in an open and natural way. .

Community Attitudes and Feedback

Community attitudes, often reflected through comments and responses on social networks, play an important role in shaping the social climate towards the "Gay" community. Diverse opinions can reflect divisions within society, ranging from strongly supportive to negative and sometimes opposing opinions.
Feedback from the community is not only a measure of the level of acceptance but also an important source of encouragement for the "Gay" community. These discussions, along with the sharing of information and understanding, can help reduce prejudice and build bridges between this community and the society in which it lives.
Ultimately, the intertwining of media and community attitudes opens up challenges and opportunities, creating conditions for positive development and sharing between social classes, towards a diverse society. and more accepting.
The GAY community in Vietnam is experiencing positive and important changes. Accepting and respecting diversity is not only an individual right but also the responsibility of the whole society. Accepting diversity is the key to building an open and developed society. Let's support and encourage the positive strides of the LGBT community, so we can work towards a shared future where everyone is treated fairly and with respect, regardless of gender, sexual or any other characteristic.