Now, Gen Z isn't strange to Programming. On Social media or blog, so many ads about programming like "Learn Programming at TechMaster", "Learn Programming for kids at Stem academy"... But.... Do you know the nature of programming?

History of programming:

Programming is an activity for people to command the computer.
-Since 1800, Joseph Marie Jacquard tought a machine translates tag holes to creat a super sewing machine.
-1936: Alan Turning - father of science copumter invented a test with name is "Turning Test". The main of "Turning Test" is testing the brain of computer(machine) about the awareness and the reflect. This test will decision the successful or lose of the computer(machine).
AI - Artifical Intelligent
AI - Artifical Intelligent |
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Possessed Photography
Turning Test
Turning Test
-Since 1950 to now: To devlop the machine for easy, the programming language was born. Some popular programming language: Python, Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C, C++, C#,...
Programming Language
Programming Language |
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Chris Ried

How Computer(machine) Understand?

*if I write computer, you can understand like machine.
Computer can't understand words or hard numbers. To understand hard datas, computers encode data to binary system.
What is binary system? Binary system has 2 basis, first basis is 0, and second basis is 1 as same as the off and on of computer's CPU. 0 is off and 1 is on. I has some examples:
A -> 01000001
B -> 01000010
AB -> 01000001 01000010
if you want to convert text to binary system, you can tap:
But, the binary system has many troubles so the programming language was born to devlop computer more easier.
And, What is programming language? , I will tell about it at next post.