Let's start
Fisrtly, i wanna introduce myself for you.I am a student,and studing at a highschool.I have been learning English when i was a child.My learning English way is very confusing.Nowadays, i gonna find a nice way to do it.I think i should give my reader some word i have learned recently.Today,i learn a subject of education.
1)abroad(adv): talk about you are living or studing at other country. I learn English due to i wanna have experience and friend at other country.My goal is going abroad.
2)academic(adj): belongs to education,studing activities. A school or university is a thing you can imagine a type of education and its meaning is the same with educational :)
3)accommodation(n):a place to live,work,eat,sleep,...... When you become a student of university,you should rent a accommodation to help your studying peace and easy to focus.
4)admission(n)permission of school,university to accept you to enter their education. To have admission of university, you must pass their entrance exam.
5)entrance exam(n):the first exam you will be got by your school when you wanna to enter.
6)analytical(adj) a skill belong to many persons have ability to treat problems with a easy way.People having this ability will understand the problems fast and can look at all part of something they get. Analytical thinking is a skill i think we should practice because you can gain your mindset about working,thinking,treating sth,.......
7)baccalaureate(n) the final-term you must do when you wanna complete your course at school.
8)bachelor(n) person have a degree of profession,expert.A person have a special skill,knowledge,...
9)broaden(n)to become wider.You can understand this is noun of expand(verb)
10)campus(n) a main land of university.
This is my first posts on this web i wish you can like and contribute your idea to me.I have a question about how to learn speaking free ?I think i will up one post to this web everyweek.Thanks you for my writing.See you later.Have a nice day!