I'll take it short
In life, there are 3 levels you should take care of
- First, your body
- Second, your emotions (which is your soul)
- Third, your mind (which is your spirit)
For the first one, your body, pay attention to what you eat. You become what you eat. You eat light (vegetables, fruit, ...), you become lighter with high vibration (linked to compassion, peace, love, etc). Meat, milk, ... are linked to low vibration. But respect the need of your body, it's not just ok, I'll become vegetarian tomorrow, no, it takes years to transform. Love and respect your body. 
Second one, your emotions. Breathe. It will balance your emotions, then everything else outside will balance itself. Then a question appears, breathe in what way? Breathe in for 5 seconds, hold it in your stomach for 5 seconds, and breathe out 5 seconds. The best is 12 seconds each (I guess since initially we're 12 dimensional beings). Anw, progress everyday, today 2 seconds, tomorrow 3 seconds, it's ok
Last one, your mind (your spirit). Laugh more, smile more. Why? it will helps you gain another perspective on your life/ situation/ problem you're in. Everything is just perspective, then you will find out that the purpose for you to be in this life is so simple (to experience, have fun). Fake it even if you don't want to, fake it till you make it. 
I'll add more explanation later if have time.
Sending love and light <3
(Initial ideas from Matias De Stefano + ideas from me)