"Everyone makes mistakes" is not strange for us. But to really understand it, I think it doesn't take a short time.
Today I had been to the park and practiced patin. Observing people in there, I see patin or generally sport is not for a specifical age. Everyone can learn and play. Elderly people, Middle-aged people, and kids are pleased with Patin. But the thing I realized is that no one can't be fallen. I am surprised that notwithstanding who you are, maybe a professor, or an amateur, you also get the respectation of people who can play better than you. People are open-minded and understand what problem you are having.
So I think, at least in sports, the thing that all of us forward to is having fun. Mistakes are inevitable, and it's natural. Don't feel shame when you get in trouble because you are a normal person, not a talent.
Why are you judgmental or so harsh with yourself when you do things not good?
Remember that you are a normal person and people have their own pros and cons. If you don't do well this time, maybe you can do it next time