World View: Toltec wisdom Series - The World is Perfect
The Toltec series, including titles like “The Four Agreements,” “The Fifth Agreement,” “The Mastery of Love,” “The Mastery of Self,” and others, presents a beautiful and transformative perspective on life.
This collection suggests that the world is inherently perfect, despite our mistakes and unexpected events. It argues that everything happens for a reason, contributing to our personal growth and life experiences. By embracing this positive worldview, we can harness higher energy each day and fully enjoy every moment of our lives.
The series invites us into a sweet dream and a magical, imaginative world where there is no concept of sin. Everyone is dreaming—whether it’s a personal dream or a collective world dream. We build our dreams with our energy while respecting the energy of others. In this vision, everything and everyone becomes a different light, each shining uniquely.
*Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman
This new perspective on the world leads me to another question: Are people by nature bad or good? We hear a lot about crimes, violence, and sexual attacks occurring daily across the globe.
Many assert that humans are the cruelest beings. On the other hand, we also witness immense acts of charity, sacrifice, and compassion that evoke gratitude and emotion. These contrasting judgments and compassionate moments cause us to fluctuate between seeing human nature as positive or negative.
In his book "Humankind: A Hopeful History," Rutger Bregman explores a new perspective on human nature, known as "positive realism." Bregman argues that people inherently have positive opportunities to become good. This optimistic view suggests that, given the right conditions, humans are capable of immense kindness and altruism.
*Personal Energy: Inner Engineering by Sadhguru
At a personal level, I love the book "Inner Engineering" by Sadhguru. This book focuses on building a unified self, integrating body, mind, and energy. According to Sadhguru, we are a complete and unified entity, so if any one of these three aspects—body, mind, or energy—is separated, it creates the conditions for suffering and distress.
Sadhguru explains that the mind and emotions are essentially one, with rationality and emotions being two sides of the same coin. Rationality is merely a less intense version of emotion. This understanding simplifies and unifies the daily conflicts we face. By mastering our inner engineering, we can enhance our well-being and unlock our true potential.
* Conclusion
Bringing together the insights from the Toltec series, Bregman’s work, and Sadhguru’s teachings forms a unified perspective on life, human nature, and personal energy. From macro-level views on the inherent perfection of the world to micro-level explorations of human behavior and personal development, these teachings guide us towards a cohesive understanding. By recognizing and embracing both the light and dark aspects of ourselves and the world, we can cultivate a more compassionate, empowered, and harmonious existence. This holistic approach encourages us to strive for personal growth, contribute positively to humanity, and create a more fulfilling and meaningful life journey for all.
May Le