Tu An's April Diary
04/08/20: "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON" 04/09/20: + TedxTalks: "How to motivate yourself to change your behavior" Don't motivate...

+ TedxTalks: "How to motivate yourself to change your behavior"
Don't motivate by threatening yourself, motivate by looking at the progres.
1. Social Incentives; 2. Intermediate Rewards; 3. Progress Monitoring
+ Some programs for Supply Chain
+ Planning for self-development and monitor the progress
+ Kick-off To Future Bootcamp Series.
+ Trong file Brain, mình sẽ có các Sheet quan trọng: Sổ Mục Tiêu, Sổ Tháng (Remind Goals of The Year), Sổ Networking, Sổ Tracking Habits, Sổ Day-to-Day.
- Solving Procrastination: No Instagram, Doing tough task in the early morning.
- Webinar của anh Thái Mạnh Hùng: Thông thường việc make decision của anh sẽ dựa trên những yếu tố có thứ tự lần lượt là: Pháp lý, Tài chính, ....
- Remember 2 things: taking note in spi, tracking on Brain file.
- Doing things based on Brain file, don't let others distract and waste ur time.

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