Source: Duc+Dall-E
The tiger mom roars loud and fierce
With love and hate, her heart does pierce
Her children cower in fear and pain
Never daring to defy her reign
But as they grow and leave her nest
They find their wings and fly with zest
Into a world that's vast and new
Where they must forge a path, anew
They struggle to find their own way
In a world that's harsh and cold, they sway
From lover to lover, they roam
But never find a place to call home
For the tiger mom's fire still burns
And her lessons, they can't unlearn
They crave her love, yet fear her wrath
A delicate balance, they must hath
And so they struggle, day by day
To find their own voice, to have their say
To break free from the chains that bind
And leave the past, far behind
But the journey is fraught with pain
And many broken hearts, they gain
As they search for love, they find
That it's not always easy to unwind
But they persevere, they push on
For they know that they must move beyond
The hate-love of the tiger mom
And find their own way, to become
Strong and independent, they will be
No longer held captive, by her decree
They will forge their own path, with grace
And leave the past, in a distant place.
Duc_AI | Melbourne, 14/10/2022

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