1. What makes me happy today
My morning & afternoon energy. This morning, I feel full of energy to do anything. Yeah, a productive day with a lot of tasks I completed.
To be honest, If I cut a day here, everything is perfect…
Delicious food on the pavement. You can imagine the story: 18h00, I am driving on the come back to my apartment, with a hungry sign, the flavor of "Cà ri gà" is really attractive to me to eat it. I decide to pamper myself at that moment...
It can be called "Đúng người đúng thời điểm"
2. But what happens during the evening?
When I return to my room. I break some daily habits @@.
This writing habit was broken for 2 continuous days for some silly reasons. The biggest factor from myself. Because I thought about the end of the series. I considered whether to continue or stop. As I wrote on day 1:, it had 100 days and 90% of this journey has passed.
Solution: Hmmm, I don’t have a final decision right now. I need a calm moment to review and choose a suitable path.
My plan is interrupted suddenly. I understand it means: Keep calm, it isn’t a best fit moment for me…Planning & all things are canceled, that isn’t an amazing feeling.
Solution: I accept it, as I talk many times: “Việc của mình là cố hết sức, còn lại trời xanh sẽ an bài”
A FOMO feeling from my friends. Long time to meet this feeling again.
Solution: If I see that vibe again, Unfollow!
3. Although it, I am grateful because of something, what is it?
Critical thinking to debate with myself. To realize what are things affecting me or what makes me happy?
I write this post shortly because I am trying to catch a regular daily habit again.
Thanks for everything & everyone.