At the request of 500 brothers, I write a few lines for you to have a reference point, but the decision is still yours. Although writing about choosing a husband, it still applies well to the choice of a man's wife.
Husband and wife are predestined?
Although we say 'choose', in fact we can only choose and decide a certain part, not 100%, that's why grandparents often say 'husband and wife are predestined' for a reason. .
The debt-debt here is the loan-repayment in countless lifetimes, now meet to pay that part of the loan-repayment. If you read this far, you probably understand that who you will marry is almost predetermined. In fact, it is both true and false.
The 'right' thing is that I will meet Mr. A at that time to get married (meet to repay each other's debts), but with the condition that during the time from birth to meeting Mr. A, I have not planted seeds. If you add anything new, the cause-and-effect chain will happen like that.
For example:
A1+B1 = C1 (this is the old chain of cause and effect, following you when you were born)
A1 and B1 are the agents, C1 is the result of the cause A1+B1
However, in the process of growing, before the C1 fruit occurs, if you have planted a new number such as multiply X1 or multiply Y1, the cause-and-effect equation will change as follows:
A1+B1+X1-Y1= C2
when the X1 and Y1 kernels appear in the above equation, the result C1 has turned into the result C2.
C2, when applied to love marriage, instead of you marrying person A, you may not get married anymore and live single forever, or if you get married for a while, then break up... or you should be married 2- 3 years becomes 20-30 years, depending on the factors that you add to the above causal equation.
That's why the 'octet horoscope' can only view equation C1 but not equation C2. The horoscope says that women have 3 husbands based on the actual date of birth, but it still changes when a woman has a new agent in the above chain of cause and effect, good or bad cause has not been discussed, but the result will be different, can be a single husband or up to 5 husbands.
There's a very good point about the mechanism of cause and effect here, about the prophets warning of great events to come in the future; However, at that time, things did not go as predicted, so is that fairy good or bad?
It is difficult to say, because the possibility is very high, thanks to that standard prophecy, people know how to worry and fear and sow new conditions to change in time, so the result has also changed and followed a new path. --> the result is different --> come back and say this prophetess is bad
Please think deeply about this part, very good. True prophecy is for people to make timely repairs, not sit idle and wait for the event to happen as predicted.
Just need to deeply understand the mechanism of cause-and-effect operation and our ability to 'change numbers', then you can draw the following things yourself:
- I don't know what the previous karma is like, just try my best to sow a new good predestined relationship. Very bad results are less bad, bad results are normal, good results are better.
- Even though I have continuously planted new kernels, but the result is still the same, there is nothing to regret. Because it tells me, the accumulated karma is still too heavy, so it has not yet produced good results, the good causes that have been accumulated in this life are considered as paying off or accumulating for the next life.
In terms of game life, that's why, there are many love affairs brothers have tried and sacrificed to the end but still can't come together... then that's the cause-and-effect mechanism above.
Simply put, in order to marry the person you want, there must be two prerequisites: one is whether you have enough blessings and grace, or whether you have tried your best in the present. When those two things are combined, it will work. Not only love and marriage, but also apply to all other things in the game of life. Now on to item 2.
Which layer of cloud will meet that layer's cloud?
I've edited this a lot, if you want to get married 9/10 points, then you yourself have to be around 7-8 points.
From time to time, some friends ask me if I want to break up, want a divorce, because I'm tired of my husband and wife. I don't mind, but I do repeat this part:
if myself 7-8 points, the opponent 4-5 points, patiently supporting and waiting for them to raise the score but they don't go up... I'm too tired, I'll step out. That should come out, really.
On the contrary, I myself have 4-5 points, the other side is also 4-5 points, then when I step out to start a new relationship, I can only attract maximum objects of 5 points or less. . Because those with 6 or more points will never look at me.
What makes marriage go round and round is 'not knowing where I am'. I still have many defects, living with one person who also lacks many things, then combined, it's 'defective'... then a series of problems A B C arise... it's true that love is only beautiful when it's unfinished . Life is not fun when the oath is fulfilled! If you swear without even counting your points...
then it leads to bored of solving, deadlocked, no solution, so tired so I want to change the object, who expected to win the same 4-5 points, again a combination of problems D E G F .. In the end, there's something wrong with being with everyone... then looking up at the sky... "why the number of children is so miserable!
The key here, is not breaking up or staying, but how much is your point. If your score is higher than 7 points, then when you step out, the possibility of winning is better than the old one, the new high is positive. Under 5 points, you will get grenades if you dodge anything, you can rest assured to choose, you can't escape this dilemma. Don't blame God, blame yourself.
Withdraw, so what to do? That's just self-correction - self-cultivation.
- Take out the paper, seriously calculate, how much total score
(such as appearance, personality, soul, hard / soft skills, communication, etc., in short, the 3 parts body-mind-intelligence)
- When my body-mind-wisdom points increase every day, I no longer need to be attached or need to keep anyone anymore...
If you don't have a lover, it will attract the object by itself, or the clear mind will bring you to the place where you need to meet similar objects... the universe will support anyone who tries.
If you already have a wife or lover, you don't need to keep your opponent all day, if your score is high, they have to keep you, but raise the score to balance with you.
Here's my practical tip, my wife said, you have a new lover, I congratulate you right away, because my wife has found a greater joy and has someone to make her happy again. After all, each person has a new direction.
Again, if I'm on low points, and the other side's low scores are similar or slightly better, then the two of you together keep making each other miserable all day long, with all kinds of problems... then please calm down.. because now If I go out to find someone else but my score hasn't increased, it's the same shit!
Brothers and sisters, remember to read carefully, I do not advise breaking up or moving on, but only advising, no matter what, we still have to repair ourselves first, automatically everything will get better.
Good luck + cultivate yourself right now --> the fruit will taste better.
Then wish you will have a new step in your love relationship.