Few months ago, I took a class in improvisation. I was pretty surprised how much the class helped me experience daily life.

Here’s what I learned.

1.  When I mention Improv class most people are terrified. They assume that students have to be a natural performer or funny is smt runs in your blood. But to put it in a way: it’s mostly playing games. Well of course the games get harder as the classes go on, but you’re often told to avoid trying to be funny. Instead the goal is to pay attention especially to your partner and to commit fully to whatever you’re doing and enjoy yourself :)). The most important thing is being ‘good at Improv’ is not talent in a conventional sense or you’re doing it the wrong or right way, there’s not right or wrong in Improv but more of a capacity for being fully attentive. Enthusiasm and willingness are the things that matter the most. Remember sometimes stay true to yourself. Saying what you really feel like “I’m confused” might be the funniest thing you’ve ever come up with.

2. Doing Improv,  I’m surprised by what I can do. So much of adult life is doing things half-heartedly, or pretending to care when we know we don’t or the other way round. By rule, there is no half-thing in Improv class. Whatever you are supposed to be right now, be it all the way.

3. Now when I’m in challenging situations in life I recall something ridiculous I was forced to do in Improv, like my “best performance ever” in a scene - talking about holes and balls when playing Golf :v, and by comparison the life situation I’m in is easy as I’ve been in far crazier situations in class.

4. Questions and Nos are not good. The improv rule of Yes and… is the most well known. The game makes clear that questioning slows things down and kills energy. It’s a bad habit many of us have in life, asking dozens of questions before we’ll ever try anything. The rule doesn’t mean you have to do what others tell you, but that you have to find creative ways to build on the energy of whatever they’ve offered, and offer it back to them to build on. It’s a simple principle, but we have many bad habits in how we handle things people offer us.

5.  Being part of a team can be really, really fun and collaborative. Much more so than going it alone. That’s the thing I love most doing Improv.

6. Come to think of it. Every conversation in life is an act of improvisation: no one gives you a script for the day when you wake up. I think going to Improv class actually makes me feel more comfortable in dealing with whatever happens in many situations with other people.  Well, many times in our life there aren’t any instructions, and you just have to go with it and try something that may seem a little off-the-wall.

7. The core rules in Improv work well as life philosophy:  Always make your partners look good and help them shine. Say Yes, And…, make big offers, it’s better to fail big then fail moderate. We actually can all benefit from listening more and encouraging people to come up with their own creative solutions. Many times, you will be astounded by what other people produce.

8. 8 is my fav number. From time to time, doing Improv we have to push ourselves. Feeling uncomfortable and even terrified can be a really great thing to help us grow.

People I recommend you go take one. The Rotten Grapes is probably the best choice ever :)))))))