Lean Exercise (Why I Don’t Go to the Gym) (Day 5 in 30 Days Writing Challenge)
Several months ago, working overtime is my daily habit. Every day I went home with the exhaustion. There were even times I could hardly...
Several months ago, working overtime is my daily habit. Every day I went home with the exhaustion. There were even times I could hardly breathe and felt like a dead body.
I was freaking out (but have no energy left to scream). It’s the first time in my life I realized how terrible my health was.
I couldn’t stand to live like this anymore. It was not even living when you couldn’t even breathe well. I decided to change this by starting doing exercises.
But instead of going to the gym, I chose running in the parks for 3 reasons:
First, I wanted to start immediately.
I didn’t have to spend hours to find and sign up for a gym membership. To run, I only need a pair of shoes, which I already have, and go straight to the nearest park.
Second, I need something extremely simple so I can self-train and exercise regularly.
Working out with dumbbells and equipment is too complicated for me. I want to eliminate all the frictions that can inhibit my training. When the training is lean enough, the only thing left that control my training process is my determination. I can even keep up my training schedule when I travel.
Third, running is free.
Getting healthier doesn’t have to be expensive. It helps me save a lot of money while staying healthy.
In addition, it’s about the feeling of freedom when you run outdoor, breathe the fresh air after a long day at the office. In contrast, most of the gyms are crowded and the music at the gyms always get me sick.
For the 3 reasons above, I call it Lean Exercise.
Running has helped me gain back my shape. I get fitter and live happier without paying a penny for the gym.
If you’ve ever thought of doing some exercises to have a better life. I would highly recommend running. Just try it once and you will love it!
Stay healthy!

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