Daily Journal
1. What makes me happy today?
I use a full day to rest. To refresh my mind, to answer my question. Nothing is really valuable but the most important, I solve some stuck things on my mind. It is enough for today
2. What makes me worried today? How to delete it?
As I mentioned the previous day, maybe my “organic” emotion from the outside will disappear. I feel that…
Solution:Thuận theo cảm xúc mà làm" I don’t have the intention to protest that rule
I see my content on the other page @@. My thought: “Êeee, gì z…” After I click its link, it leads to the YBOX website. One member of YBOX is arbitrarily using my work without permission @@.
Solution: To be honest, it also helps me understand: My ability is enough to speard widely. So at this time, I don’t care much about it, maybe it will be changed in the future
3. Why am I grateful today?
Life always have ups and downs time. I am thankful because I still get that principle as anyone. On my mother language, we say: “Lùi 1 bước, tiến ngàn dặm”. It will be right with me, I believe in that.