(Photo credit: Tạp hoá Tiểu Lạc)
It's Autumn 

laying its buttery sunlight down 
on the quiet lanes
on the quiet tree rows 
on the old tabby brown cat's belly
and softly sings her to sleep
in the rhythm of the silky lullaby

It's Autumn 
gently stirring up the morning dawn
chasing away the summer sultriness
framing the meadow with yellow 

Oh Autumn
on the late afternoon butterfly's wings, you come
mingling the air with the scent of golden leaves
running through my fingers, and you flow away
to the distant fields
to the skyline
out of reach
There's something magical about the Autumn that stimulates the lazy worm inside me.  Whether it is joining a bunch of friends in a little cosy coffee shop or just lazing around every corner of the old streets or even just taking a break moment to breathe in the honey-buttery autumn air.