Because for one, in a moment that was either everything or nothing, there would be someone else in Regan's universe, and from there everything would be as it was, only slightly different.
In general, this is a great book, only the end quite flops in my opinion Or it can be that i set my expectation too high. but this is, truly a worth reading

For the value


Through them, we can understand more about mental issues
Authors describe their characteristics in great detail and thoroughness, developing their narratives coherently and smoothly
and, there are some hilarious narrations too


ups and downs, there is spicy content, there is thrill and suspense

meaning conveyed

find yourself/ dare to be yourself even amid chaos of mind
love can give human strength or change human


So briefly, it's a beautiful love story, since normally i dont reread books, but this one, oh yeah, i'm enjoying it again. Idk whether it is because this is a romance book or not
Ah, and for anyone dealing with mental health issues, please approach the first half of the books with caution. They contain descriptions that reflect a lot of disordered thinking, which might have a slight depressing effect, as it did for me.

*my question

actually, i'm still asking myself
Do they really find themselves with the help of the other? Regan and Aldo.
who is she without him? *spoil alert: if she hadn't drawn her own art, if she still forged art, then would he come back? When he undreams her, what would happen?
who are they without each other?
I'll re-read to answer this question, then update to you guys if i want 😜

*Oh, nearly forget

It contained interesting content about the relationship between hexagons and time, bees and time, and even delved into the concept of time travel. However, the primary focus remained on their journey of self-discovery despite their abnormalities, highlighting how love ultimately melts them