What's love??
What's love??
How do I start my new page?? What words could I use for this post today? It's quite a challenge since I don't know what I'm gonna write about my relative's story.
Teenager. A good word for rebellious ages today—I mean, this stage of life is like a new chapter in their lives. There are many new things to discover and conquer, making them more curious about life and wanting to try everything. It brings pros and cons. And I will tell you about the cons happening to my relatives, not the pros, as I don't want my post to sound like an academic analysis.
My relative's son married when he was just twenty years old. You know, nobody would celebrate a wedding at that age if it didn't have any impact on them, wouldn't they? He had a baby with his girlfriend, which is why he is getting married. In my hometown, it's also often called " The doctor said to get married!!". They are still too young to become parents. No experience, no income, no maturity,... In Vietnam, they almost depend on their parents. It's hard to imagine and feel a little awkward about their lives later on.
Also at that wedding, I got fascinating looks from my aunts and cousins for my appearance. It made me feel a little funny and a little proud of myself, which proves it's worth what I paid for. A small success, right?
Reading this far. Wishing you the best and appreciate the love in your life!