Chapter 2: Reina Hyori
December 8, winter 4900
My name is Reina Hyori, a young girl with a burning dream of becoming a Revelation. I was raised by the whole village from a young age. Even though I didn't have parents like other people, everyone in the village still loved me very much. Having said that, my childhood was still quite happy compared to an orphan like me.
Right now I'm in the luggage lift room for tomorrow's departure to the capital, which is currently chilly.
It's dark right now so it's a bit cold. I am in my room, preparing my luggage for the trip to the capital tomorrow to complete the admission procedures.
Currently I am living with Uncle Karl, he is also the person who raised me since I was a child. I heard Uncle Karl tell me that I was found in a basket floating on the riverbank. The fishermen, including Uncle Karl, discovered me and brought me home to raise me along with everyone in the village.
However, there was a knock on the door.
- Who's that? - I asked the store.
- It's a caption here, Reina.
Oh, so it's Uncle Karl, he likes to come into my room so I can sleep early:
- If you're worried, go to bed early, you have to get up early to leave tomorrow. Just keep calm and watch out tomorrow if you fall asleep you're a slut.
- You don't need to worry about me, after all, I'm grown up. Last lunch, I saw you catch a bear by yourself. Besides, I've finished packing my luggage, and now I'm getting ready to go to sleep. - I replied sitting on the bed -
- Yes, go to sleep. If tomorrow morning it's past 6:30 and you still don't wake up, try to wait until next year.
Having finished speaking, he gently closed the door and returned to his room. As for me, I lie awake in bed, I'm about to become a Revelation like Mr. Zen. How can you sleep with a scene like this...
[Reina closes her eyes and begins to fantasize about the prospect of herself becoming a strong Revelation protecting the weak. She immediately fell asleep and sounded like dead just 2 seconds later]
- Cough...cough...cough...
- Tsk. This Reina girl is hitting the bed again. It's the same every night.
[Uncle Karl's small house gradually fell into darkness, and of course there was the sound of Reina's bed hitting...]
[The sun has risen, the morning breeze along with the chirping of birds creates a fresh and refreshing atmosphere. Mixed in there was the sound of Reina's beating.]
- Hey Reina, wake up! Wake up, look at this girl, don't you want to become Revelation!? - [Uncle Karl tried to wake Reina up but to no avail] -
- Once we get to this point, there's only "that way" left. - [After saying that, Uncle Karl left to go get something] -
[In Reina's dream]
Another guy was blown away by me ha ha ha, these guys are really weak, even their leader is afraid of me showing up. The kids behind me kept looking at me with those admiring eyes, they liked it so much hehe hehe. (In this part, he raised his hand to cover his mouth slightly and then smirked)
- There's only one left, Reina, defeat him immediately! - The kids looked at me with bright eyes and said -
- Oh! Everyone, take a closer look at Reina Hyori's power! Haaaa....!!!
I firmly grasped the staff in my hand and rushed towards the leader, my elemental stone glowing red with fire. But that guy suddenly smiled complacently!? He shot a powerful stream of water towards me, the terrible force of the water made it difficult for me to breathe.
- Argh... Arghhh... Geez...
[Reina opens her eyes, sits up and coughs because she chokes on water]
- Cough cough cough... So it was just a dream... - I suddenly noticed the bucket of water in Uncle Karl's hand and my wet clothes -
- Oh my god, Uncle Karl, can't you just wake me up like a normal person? Why are you thinking about pouring water into someone's mouth? You're about to beat that guy! That's why even at this age you still haven't gotten married! - I waved my arms and legs and shouted out of anger. I was clearly dreaming -
Uncle Karl threw the remaining water in the bucket in my face, probably to wake me up.
- It's almost 6:30 a.m. but you keep calling me and you won't wake up, so this is the only solution. Hurry up and change your breakfast clothes before leaving, Grandma.
Start? Oh right, I almost forgot, today is the day I enroll. Must hurry up.
[Reina quickly changed into a new dress and ran out of the house.]
Everyone in the village also knew that today was the day I entered school. They kept crying, making me feel like I wanted to stay a little longer. Everyone also gave me a lot of gifts, so many that I could carry them all on my shoulders. They must have high expectations from me, so I also want to make the entire Bell village feel proud!
Already at the gate, the pile of gifts I was given is slowing me down. Aunt Kelly, Uncle Thomas, and my three disciples Jin, Gen and Sun were already waiting there. Uncle Karl was there too. They all just waved goodbye to me and prayed for peace on my journey.
- Remember to be careful on the road! - Aunt Kelly sobbed -
- You can't skip that meal, you hear! - Uncle Thomas smiled and said -
- You must become a Revelation, Reina! - 3 disciples shouted loudly towards me -
- Oh, I promise! Thanks people more decent! - I turned around, tried to control my emotions and left -
[The farewell scene was full of tears but also full of joy and pride of the people of Bell village]
- She's growing up so fast, Karl. - Uncle Thomas turned to ask -
- Well, he's already old enough to enroll in school, time flies really fast. - Uncle Karl replied -
[Reina continued her journey like that. Bell village gradually disappeared behind her back, but the road to the capital was still very long...
Soon it was noon, the sun was quite strong today, so Reina found a large oak tree to rest.]
As I walked along, I imagined myself standing in the ranks of elite students, so I didn't know how far I had gone. But the sun is so hot, let's sit under the canopy of this tree and rest for a bit. Let's see if everyone gives me something delicious. Ah, grilled chicken, and potato salad too. Aunt Kelly is so thoughtful, not like Uncle Karl.
[Reina broke off a thigh. She felt its fragrance first, then brought it to her mouth and took a delicious bite.]
- Hey, who let that guy sit and eat there! - Suddenly there was a voice, it seemed to come from above -
- Cough... cough... Who is that? - I coughed because I was startled, I looked up to see who was speaking -
- This tree is where I'm admiring the scenery, who let you sit here?
“Oh my god, why is there someone here at this exact time? Don't let that girl know that you're stuck up here. That damn bird, I'll chop you up to make pasta and gravy soon!”
It was a beautiful girl with metallic white hair who looked gorgeous. Looking at the luxurious clothes she is wearing, her family must have a lot of money. But what is a girl like that doing here?
[That girl's name is Luryas Gemstone, the daughter of a wealthy noble family and is also on the same path as Reina.
When she went to this forest, Luryas took the map out of her bag to look at it, but a big bird lifted her bag up into the tree, took the loaf of bread, and left the bag there. Luryas tried climbing the tree to get his bag back but got stuck up there because he didn't know how to get down.]
- Does the tree in the forest belong to anyone? Besides, if I sit down for a lunch break and eat a little, it won't affect you at all. - I ask. -
- I don't like you sitting there, okay? Go to some other tree and sit!
- I like to sit here and there, okay? - Arguing with this girl seems to be tiring, let's just eat first, Aunt Kelly's grilled chicken is so delicious. -
- No means no!
- Why?
- Because... because... because if you take all the apples from the tree, I won't have anything left to eat.
- But this is clearly an oak tree...
“Ugh! I'm dead, I was so scared that I made up a big reason why it turned out like this."
- Whatever, let's go somewhere else!
- Can't sit for a little while...?
"Why is this girl so stubborn? There are so many shade trees that she can't sit down."
It's weird for someone to be pretty and have bad manners, people won't let you sit anymore. Don't get involved with this girl, let's go find another place to sit.
- Okay, if you like, just take this tree, I'll go somewhere else!
“Finally, I'm willing to leave. But wait! I've been waiting here since morning until I saw this girl passing by. Now that she's gone, who else can help me climb down?
- Hey wait wait wait! Now that I think about it, it's a bit boring to see the scenery alone, do you want to stay here with me for a bit? - The girl suddenly panicked. -
- What's the matter? Just now you chased me away but now I'm leaving and you're telling me to stay?
- Oh, it's nothing, I just felt a bit bored so I wanted to stay and play with you for a little bit ha ha...
“Now how do I get that girl to take me down here? To put it bluntly, it's a shame. It's all because of that damn bird!”
- You say you want to play with me but you just sit there? Why don't you come down here?
“Very good, I immediately took the bait.”
- I don't like going down. If you can't come up here, you have to take me down there yourself.
- I can't climb down...
- Hey, no! It's just that I don't like going down. - She blushed and explained. -
- Oh yeah, whatever.
Surely he doesn't know how to climb down, after all, helping others is also the duty of a good person. Thinking about it, I jumped up and kicked the small branch I was sitting on.
[Reina used all her strength to jump up, using her foot to break the tree branch that Luryas was stuck on while still eating. She screamed and fell to the ground.]
- Ah, it hurts, it hurts... This girl, what was she thinking that she dared to do that to me? Do you know who I am? I am the daughter of the Gemstone family, Luryas Gemstone!
- Uh... Gemstone house... which house is it?
- You bastard, the Gemstone family is so rich and noble and you don't even know it? Well, I already said my name anyway. It's your turn, no, you told me your name.
- Reina, Reina Hyori. I'm on my way to enrolling to become a Revelation.
- Oh so you have the same destination as me. Want to go with me? I will take care of the fare for you.
- Well... it's okay if I get stuck in a tree again and I won't be able to help anymore.
- I told you I'm not stuck, but this one! It's just me...
Gurgling gurgling...
Suddenly there was a sound coming from her direction. I'm sure it was because I was stuck in the tree that I didn't have anything to eat, so I pushed the grilled chicken and salad over.
- Your stomach is growling, do you want to eat something? Aunt Kelly's grilled chicken is delicious.
- Ah... well... it's because you invited me that I just ate.
This girl has a really weird personality, trying to act strong while her face turns red. But it also looks cute, right?
Wait a minute, I'm a woman. Calm down, calm down..
[The two eat together in the shade.
After eating and drinking, the two of them set out together. Crossing the forest is a green steppe with undulating hills creating raised areas, slightly reducing the inherent flatness of the terrain surface.
Suddenly, a group of three robbers appeared, all three of them were bigger than the two of them and carrying weapons with them.]
Because I had just met and didn't know what topic to talk about, the road I shared with Luryas was quite quiet, mainly the sound of her complaining about being tired from walking. After walking for about an hour in the steppe near the forest at noon, we encountered 3 robbers. It's a great time. The thought of becoming a Revelation makes my hands and feet itchy. I have the opportunity to exercise and stretch my tendons and bones. Luryas seemed scared so he hid behind me.
- They're robbers, just give them money and run away quickly, they have weapons, Hyori.
- You don't need to be afraid, these guys are nothing compared to the bear I used to exchange magic with when I was young. Besides, just call me Reina.
- What? Competing magic with a bear? This is not the time to joke around, oh my god!
- Ha ha! That blue haired girl is trying to play hero, you guys. - said a robber. -
[The robbers all burst into laughter. They pulled out their knives and intended to kill Reina on the spot and then rob her of her luggage along with Luryas's money. Reina put her luggage on the ground, started lightly and immediately jumped up.
She used her left hand to cast spells on the right side of the guy standing on her left. He clutched his stomach in pain, then she used another fierce blow with her right hand to the middle of the face and fell to the ground. The guy in the middle stabbed at her but she dodged. The other guy aimed the knife at her face and stabbed at her but she ducked and dodged. Reina launched a torpedo attack to knock down the second guy, then put her hands on the ground, used her hands to lift her body up, turned around and kicked the third guy's temple with a heel kick. All three robbers were defeated in the process. blinked at Luryas' surprised gaze.]
- Fall... are you all down? Just with you alone? Barehanded? - Luryas asked me in surprise. -
- Don't you see why you still ask that?
- How can someone be so absurdly strong? Could it be that...
- It's true, when I was a child, I used to fight magic with bears all the time. Uncle Karl and the village chief often forbade me from going into the forest because they were worried about the bears. Let's quickly find somewhere to rest for the night, it's getting dark soon.
[The two continue towards the capital. Although Reina was still quite energetic, Luryas was starting to get tired, and she also began to admire Reina a little.
To save money, Reina decided to sleep outdoors, but Luryas insisted on sleeping in a proper room, so she reluctantly followed even though the person paying was still Luryas.]
The next morning Reina and Luryas continued on their journey. They passed through vast steppes and fields of colorful and fragrant flowers. Both of them enjoyed this trip very much, they viewed it as a trip, not as a normal walk. The only problem the two encountered at this time was probably because there was no motel along the way, so Luryas had to accept sleeping in a "thousand-star hotel" at night.
After 2 days of walking, the capital appeared before their eyes. The capital is surrounded by tall, solid walls and protected by a system of cannons with firepower that can easily flatten a mountain.
Seeing the capital appear before her eyes, Reina became more excited than ever because she knew that what was waiting for her inside those city walls was the title Revelation that she had always dreamed of. However, before that, both she and Luryas must pass an extremely rigorous and dangerous selection exam.]
- Finally, I have arrived here.