To my belief, we human beings are alone as individual no matter how stunningly the social cooperations grow and connect us closely than ever before. I would like to interpret “solitariness” in the meaning that we are alone originally and essentially , that means we are totally capable of living by our own. However, due to the inevitability of social changes, we are defined and shaped by group pull. I would say the downward effects, especially in this time, when we are bombarded with information and connections, that need us to be equipped with strong personal codes and values to filter out the rubbish and protect our own energy and tranquility.
Solitariness is our origin 
Being born as a tabula rasa, we human beings are inevitably filled with norms and values that closely intertwined with the family, then schools, companies, country, cultures and now, the strongest organization – social media – facebook era. These organizations have attached strongly and continuously in life that we subconsciously believe that we belong to them and even we cannot live without them. We may be scared of the sense of ostracism. 
It turns out that, those organizations are merely in imagination with the aim of cooperations and no more that that purpose (ref: Homo Sapiens). However, they have gone beyond their own realm. The need of fitting in the group, for me, belittles the personal strength and prevents individuals from reaching out of their own limits. It seems extreme but besides affective relationships – family and romantic one (which I don’t analyze their positive and negative impacts on individual growth), Are other impersonal groups worth being exchanged by personal values? Accept this original solitariness, we will consider and even protect our own values before joining any groups/ relationships. Our independence will be enhanced and skills hence are horn as we keep in mind that we are capable and excellent at solving problems alone.
Solitariness is essential 
It goes without saying that technological development and social trend have increasingly connected people limitlessly and crucially. Does that mean we are following social evolvement or advanced upgradation? And Is the development inevitable? 
Philosophically, to me, the status of being alone is unchangeable, at least, so far. Loneliness in this context, does not mean the status of being in whatever relationship, but the ability to live independently. Work by his own mind and enjoy his own payment. This seems simple but it required human beings are independent in their thoughts and actions, avoid any act of coping or accepting the ideas – that he has never experienced. Every practices and belief must be evaluated and judged by logics based on reality. (Ref: Objectivism – Ayn Rand). 
Solitariness is once practiced, bring man with self-esteem, the tranquility as he enjoy being in that status. He knows that It’s meaningless to looking for the peripheral factors to be happy as nothing makes sure it lasts forever. The thing he can control and his best capacity is self-love, which comes from the practice of independence. He appreciates the affections with his loved one, but not let self fall in emotional traps caused by expectations. 
And happiness is from here.