Have you ever had this feeling? A simple act like placing a successful purchase with the desired goods, doing your work fast but successfully, getting up early with a renewed attitude, scheduling a meeting with friends to discuss life... Yes, I had.
I recently learned that staying up all night worrying about things isn't as productive as being occupied anyway. Keep yourself busy; you'll notice that life is worth it. If you go to bed early and think less, your life will be more positive.
That's how I've been doing it lately. I started exercising and jogging again, thanks to which I had more friends invite me to play shuttlecock with them when I ran around the lake near my apartment. I haven't played this sport for nearly half a year since I returned from military school. Hmm... today has a little rain, I do exercise at home; however, my mind wants to go to meet new friends haha. What should I do now??
You know what? I just remembered. This weekend, I am going on a trip to Sapa. What is the weather like in that area? I looked up Sapa's weather, but I'm still worried that it might change. I am wondering what I could put on that is appropriate for every kind of weather.
That's it. I'm busy looking for something to wear. If possible, I will tell you about my trip.