Hmmm... Hi! Writing down these words I think I probably need to share some stories about what happened to me in a few days. A little story about my roommate, maybe someone has encountered the same situation as me but not with the roommate.
I have 3 roommates and I have some thoughts about two of them. Beginning with roommate A, my uni has some scholarships for students and it is always sent to our email. I am not in a disadvantaged or ethnic minority area, so when I read it, I didn't apply for the scholarship, but my roommate A did. I informed A about this scholarship because A was unaware of it. In the end, A successfully applied and got more money from that. Hearing this information made all of us very happy. Since we all live fairly normal lives in our family—neither extremely wealthy nor impoverished, including A.
About roommate B, B and I have both applied to work as interns at one organization. This offer is that I advised B to apply with me. A few days passed, B got this position, and I failed. It's quite ironic, isn't it? I believe I need to put in more effort if I want to get something for myself.
Aside from the two things mentioned above, I assist them regularly. But after all, I did not receive a thank you note or candy as a thanks from those two buddies. Did I expect too much?
How would you behave if you were in my position? I'm so curious, please comment on below this post.
Heyy, 1 week goal accomplished!! See ya.