Somehow tớ vẫn thấy bấp bênh.
Tớ bài xích cực kì khi bị người khác chạm vào nhưng rất thích skinship với người tớ yêu.
Nên khi yêu cậu, tớ rất rất quấn cậu. Tớ có thể nằm cả ngày, ngồi 24h chỉ để ôm cậu. Tớ sẽ dụi, dựa vào cậu bất cứ lúc nào. Cuz you're my favorite spot. I mean, as long as it's you, i'd love to cuddle for hours. But I know sometimes you want "me-time", that's also means i have to be all by myself. That's bored. Sound a little bit childish huh? But yah I must respect that. I'll try my best to not make you feel uncomfortable any longer. And won't be depend on you too much... maybe. I should "thấu cảm", right? =)))

And we've broke for once. I know we have to focus on the present not the past, but it's so hard to take out of my mind that one day one of us gonna say goodbye,again. And when that comes, it means forever. Got a girlfriend who has overthinking is fckin' hard, right? Like always looking for the pessimistic sides of things.

But yah, fuck off. Stay focused on the present! Yah, i can do it. If i still be pessimistic on the future, not only me but also you will feel so miserable.

don't ever take our love for granted.

Idk, that sentence just acrossed my mind for no reasons.

This noon, when we sat on the sidewalk, ate stickyrice < a little bit expensive, won't come for more > together, gossiped about stuffs of life. It was so peaceful. I love that moment. Love "us-time".

I wrote whole these things, doesn't mean I want you to change or something. I just want to express my deepest thoughts, my feelings.
Oh, writing therapy is kinda great. I feel better now. If there is anything that hard to talk, maybe you can write it down. It's much better when you express your feelings to others, instead of keeping it for yourself.

i'm trying to get rid of stupid thoughts in my head. A healthy mind leads to a healthy life, right =))))))
P/S: just re-read your post and still crying.
6:35 - Oh, just watched a tiktok and found out : if i want to love you, i have to love myself first. I'm optimistic so you can optimistic.