Hey bro, this journey is all about myself in the next year - 2024. I want to tell you about myself here and my daily life, which I will conceal without anybody knowing who I am.
I'm sorry if it's quite boring, you can skip my post. I want to do something new in my life, and that is the reason why I wrote this post.
Recently, I've read many posts of @hanhtinhsongsong. His series gave me a strong motivation to learn and improve my English. All of my English skills have not been good until now. It's enough for learning and understanding a basic conversation in reality.
Even when writing these words, I also need a hand of Google Translate to help me correct my mistakes. I think it will have a few grammatical and vocabulary errors.
Do you think my writing is quite long and rambling?
Yes, I do. But I am gonna improve them in the future.

About the purpose of this series:

- Telling about my daily life. It may be like a diary.
- Improving the writing skills. I think so.
- Being an ideal place to save some of the good things and motivation around my life.
From now on, I will be on my way to completing the goals I have set for the upcoming plan. And you can be side by side with me, give me some comments or anything if you want. Because we are anonymous, we can chat with each other without barriers in both English and Vietnamese.

What discipline can we set for this series?

1. Content: Everything in life
2. How length: Random
3. How long: 2 posts/ week, it's the whole year 2024 - I think it's possible.
4. Participants: Everyone
Yeahhh, I can't wait for the next writing... What happens if I didn't have any idea? Hahaha, just for fun, I hope that we can see each other next time.