Mad man's Rambling (1): OBEY AND CONSUME
You are not good enough not smart enough not pretty enough not talented enough. Buy our products buy buy buy and you will be happy....
You are not good enough not smart enough not pretty enough not talented enough. Buy our products buy buy buy and you will be happy. A splash of dopamine washes over you when you order something for $1 after waiting hours for a big sale (that cost society $10 $100 $1,000 $10,000 (or more (that you don't admit, not willing to admit, and will never admit (no matter how many times people (who you think are mad men anyway) told you)))), then withdraws as suddenly as it comes. Withdrawn from your drug, you chase ever higher highs only to crash to ever lower lows. Buy more more more ever more. Never ever stop. You don't need things, you only need that hit of dopamine that you oh so crave for. In a world abandoned by the gods (thank the Enlightenment for that), ostracized from families (real families with real bonds that satiate the very soul who care deeply for each other and will turn the other cheek and die for each other, not the kind of families that you hate with all your guts and swear off forevermore and can't wait to run away from as soon as you turn 18), and thrown into the absurd meaninglessness (that stares into you), you, who are too coward to take your own life, but too stubborn to take a leap into faith, are deprived of happiness. You turn to worship the New God that is Capitalism, and prostrate yourself before him, who shouts: OBEY AND CONSUME. Consume consume consume, like little grubs gnawing on the green, you exploit the earth, exploit your fellow men and women, and exploit even yourself, to keep the wheel turning, like pet hamsters frolicking in their cage, too oblivious to their own imminent demise. What are you? Repeat after me: You're nothing but a modern wage slave, bound to the unending cycle of work and consume, destined to be a cog in the machine forever. Your fate you can't change, your chains you can't break, your soul you can't keep. OBEY AND CONSUME.

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