Decorations in my house
Decorations in my house
Cheers to the New Year of 2024!! After 2 weeks, I took a holiday at home. Yahh, just kicked back, relaxed, and didn't do any work or anything else related to my profession or tasks. As I see it, most people feel safer when they return home with items like a laptop, books, examinations, etc. Naturally, that also applies to me! Coming home with my family members, I want to take time for my loved ones. Sharing household chores is one of the responsibilities of each family member, as my father taught me. You know, talking, doing housework, decorating the house together,... it means so much to yourself when you do it with your family. I cherish the lessons and guidance my parents have given me. Beyond all, I love my family more than everything!
Whatever, I can't deny my laziness in my duties. I admit that, to my deepest mind, I've had no motivation to sit in front of my laptop for hours. And then, I didn't fulfill the commitment I made in the early post throughout those two weeks. I'm very sorry to myself and to someone who has read all my posts.
Let's see... Recently, I have had some job and experience opportunities from people around me, but I can't apply because next month I will have an internship in 2 months. It's a pity to pass up those chances, the job provider demands time, which I am unable to supply.
So what's next? Try my best!! I believe the next chance will come to me if I make an effort. Hope you have a good night!!!