Recently, there have been many problems happening around me. My roommate's mother had cancer; however, she didn't tell my friend and lied, saying that nothing was wrong. Until my friend knew the truth from her older sister. She had cried all night, and I was also very confused because I didn't know how to comfort her.
Nobody likes to see something happen to a loved one. I sympathize with my friend and worry about her, but I'm at a loss for words to cheer her up. Maybe in time, she'll be able to deal with it and move past the difficult moments she had with her mother and family.
And just on Tuesday, my younger brother had a conflict with his friends. Right from the start, my younger brother didn't do anything, but he was constantly teased and beaten on the neck by that boy. I don't know what the boy's purpose is. My younger brother, who can't bear it anymore, then fought back against that kid. I was shocked when I was informed about it.
My parents were so angry that they let my brother miss school the next morning. My brother, his eyes swollen from crying, called me to tell me about it. Haha, I both love and want to laugh at his eyes. Surely, that will be a memorable lesson for my brother.
Hmm, goodbye. Let's enjoy your day off! The Death Anniversary of the Hùng Kings...