Getting Started Guide: -If you just started playing owo, it will ask you to confirm a few things to proceed with creating a profile
After accepting the terms, you can open the profile to view
Profile will display: Display name, Level, Team, Person you married, Cookies
You will be able to edit a few things related to the profile. With the command "owo profile set [about|background|wallpaper|title|accent|public|private]" you will be able to edit every detail to make your profile unique.
With the command 'owo profile set about <argument>' you will edit your profile introduction
With the command 'owo profile set title <argument>' you will edit your title
With the command 'owo profile set Accent <#ffffff>' you will edit the color of the display name and title, you can find and use hex color to change
<i>Before and after color correction</i>
Before and after color correction
With the command 'owo profile set private' you will edit your profile to private, making it impossible for others to open your profile, you can re-enable the profile as public using the command 'owo profile set public'
<i>Before turning on private, anyone could open your profile</i>
Before turning on private, anyone could open your profile
<i>After turning on private, no one else can open your profile except you</i>
After turning on private, no one else can open your profile except you
With the command 'owo profile set wallpaper <id>' you can edit the profile background image, of course the wallpaper is not free, you can buy it with cowoncy money or in big events it will be given away for free. You can buy wallpapers in the shop with prices ranging from 35k ~ 40k cow.
You can use the command 'owo wallpaper or owo background' to see how many wallpapers you have
<i>owo background</i>
owo background
<i>owo wallpaper</i>
owo wallpaper
Another function of the profile is to see the level, which is also important. Level in owo is extremely important and indispensable for players. The higher the level, the greater the benefits but also the more disadvantages, now we will talk about its advantages first. The first benefit of leveling up is the reward it brings, the higher the level, the greater the reward. The rewards of leveling up include cowoncy, lootbox and weapon crate (about lootbox and weapon crate will be Talk about it later)
Low level rewards
Low level rewards
High level rewards
High level rewards
The higher your level, the higher your ability to receive and send money
Having talked about its advantages, we also have to talk about its disadvantages. Although a high level is indeed good, it also has many disadvantages, especially luck. The higher the level, the lower the odds of hunting a good pet, opening a lootbox to get a good stone, or opening a weapon crate to get a good weapon. The luck rate is inversely proportional to the level, the lower the level, the luckier you are, the higher the level, the more unlucky you are. That's why there's a lot of advice to stock up on resources before level 20
Enough talking about profiles, back to the main issue of how to have a smooth start playing Owo.
After creating your profile, the first thing you need to do is click 'owo daily', then click on the blue box below to answer the survey.
<i>owo daily</i>
owo daily
Replying is very simple, you can randomly text 5 times and you will still receive gifts of 5 lootboxes and 5 weapon crates
*Brief explanation of lootbox and weapon crate: -Lootbox is a common item that can be obtained through daily, pet hunting, checklist, doing quests, leveling up, and special events. To use lootboxes, use the command owo lb <quantity>
-Weapon crate is also a common item that can be obtained through daily, battle, checklist, doing missions, leveling up, and special events. To use weapons, use the command owo wc <quantity>
More details about lootboxes and weapon crates will be available later
After 'owo daily', the next step will be to hunt the pet. 'Owo hunt' is one of the most important commands of owo.
owo hunt
owo hunt
During the first hunt of the day, there will be a 100% chance of releasing lootboxes (maximum of 3 lootboxes in a day of hunting). Each hunt will produce a pet if there are no stones
Diligently hunting pets is extremely necessary at the early levels when there are not many stones or the huntbot has not been upgraded. Hunting pets helps earn a sufficient amount of cowoncy, which is also a pet to increase zoo points.
Zoo is something used to verify and evaluate whether a player is diligent, lucky or a pro player
The tier pets have been explained in the previous article, you can find them on my personal page to read
Zoo also has another command besides 'owo zoo' which is 'owo zoo display' or 'oz d'. This is the command used to view all pets that have been hunted so far, including pets that have been sold
<i>oz display</i>
oz display
After hunting and having a sufficient amount of pets, we will proceed to the next step. Create a team and battle
To be able to create a team, we need to have that pet in the zoo, we cannot add pets that have never been hunted.