Daily Journal
1. What makes me happy today?
A random cafe with my friend. We were the group-mate at university time, but we weren’t close friends, just more than an acquaintance a little. Yesterday, our group set up a cafe but 3 people were busy so okay. I still go to The Coffee House every weekend. But in the morning, one member ask me: “M có ở đó không, t ra chơi”...I said “Okee” but did not expect much because we are a normal connection.
But I realize, she also has a strong conscious about life (with my generation ranking), she has the same perspectives on personal growth, mindset, spirituality…It makes me surprised @@. “Ồ…, giờ mới biết”...
And my feeling is: Yeahhh, a lot of people are growing in their path, FIGTHINGGG !
And I introduce her about Spiderum, she said: “Để t viết thử” and she posts her thoughts (an available version) but which is a good sign to appreciate. Okee
With this morning, I also learn some new things, about presenting the benefit of writing, about “care/don’t care”, feedback about my video... All of it deserves welcoming
The first time I meet directly a strange person through social media. He is a man on Spiderum, with his comment on my real account.I haven’t met any person without their information yet. This is the first time, by his comment, his post, I know my appearance might help him with something and he will help me to open a new stage.
The meeting is quite okayyy, not bad for a commencement in my life :)))). I respect it, thanks so much to him & GOD
Planner’s skill. Our group will climb “Chứa Chan” mountain in the next weekend, I talk to my group: “Để t tổng hợp lại 1 file mn xem”. Yeah, I will describe all things about our climbing in an Excel file (Time, personal item, to-do-list, place…). My friend said: “Ghê z m”. And I realize: my life has an upgrade step, I want to plan thoroughly before doing something instead of freestyle. Simple way, prepare to help me more confident because I can understand/control/handle a part of things after that.
Control the process ~ Own the life.
I explore a new idea on my mind about liberty. I will talk about it more on this account and publish it on my real account. One amazing perspective, you will read it the next time.
2. What is my concern today? How to overcome it?
About my video, just 1 sentence of a friend, I realize my shortcoming :))))). It is enough serious to affect the purpose of video.
Solution: In the next time, I swore remembering it when I make a video…SWORE…
3. Why am I grateful today?
About the fact, I wrote on day 92. “Không có gì là tuyêt đối”, life has ups and downs time, respect it and try to create a number of happy moments more than the rest, the real fact. Accept and optimize it,
Hope you get a happy weekend...