5 Đại Thách thức
  • Natural Disaster Prediction - Dự đoán thảm họa tự nhiên
  • Saving Coral Reefs - Gìn giữ san hô
  • Off-Grid Energy Access - Tiếp cận năng lượng
  • Feeding the Next Billion -  Cứu đói 1 tỷ người 
  • Lifting Farmers out of Poverty - Đưa Nông dân ra khỏi Nghèo
Recording of Peter Diamandis' Facebook Live Q&A on Competition Design
 top three tips for designing a top-notch XPRIZE:
  • Do your research.  Launching the best XPRIZEs requires us to understand what other efforts  have been made, and perhaps most critically, why they’ve failed. By  understanding the major roadblocks to past solutions, you’ll have a  unique advantage in rapidly iterating ideas and seeing beyond current  approaches.
  • Keep it broad for creativity, but measurable for judging.  This is likely one of the hardest aspects of prize design, but the best  XPRIZEs balance concrete metrics for evaluation with a broad license  for ideas. But what does that mean? While competitions have to  accommodate a variety of out-of-the-box solutions, you also need  specific enough metrics to assess each team against its goal.
  • Make sure there’s a good reason behind every rule you write. If  you have a finite number of rules, what are the must-haves that will  guarantee maximum impact? Rules are the backbone of any competition, and  each one should have an easily articulated and well-researched purpose.