When I read that chapter, there were many passages that made me feel euphoric because of the knowledge and the way the author compared money with other things. This knowledge is new to me, but I feel like I understand the author's point, so I find it very captivating to read. Many people excessively spend money buying expensive things like big houses, modern cars, and fashionable clothes because they mistakenly believe others will admire them for those possessions, but regrettably, that is not often the case. People often skip to admire you and get jealous or imagine how they look if they have those things. If being admired is your goal, you should consider changing the way to achieve it. Qualities like kindness, humility, and empathy tend to garner far more appreciation and respect than material possessions ever could.
Tài sản & Tiêu sản: What you can see is called rich, what is hidden is wealth. rich Possessions such as houses, cars, and clothes are what we typically use to judge whether someone is rich. They are visible and tangible, manifested through the things you have purchased. Acquiring more possessions simply adds to the collection of items you own. Ronald Read is not a role model of being rich People are good at imitating, buying the same things as rich people helps us have their appearance, not their wealth
wealth Savings are things that can tell if they are wealthy Hidden Money that offers options that you can buy things in the future Buying things makes you have less money Ronald Read is a role model of wealth Wealth is things that they could have bought
Analogy: Being wealthy is like to lose weight If you exercise to burn 1k calories and you consume something around 1,000 calories as a reward for exercising -> you're the same, you're rich If you exercise to burn 1,000 calories and eat according to your diet, -> you lose weight, you have accumulated and it is an analogy of being wealthy.
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