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Odds # Certainties: xác xuất và chắc chắn
Games of odds or games of certainties
Misconceptions: quan niệm sai lầm
Sushi does not mean "raw fish", and not all sushi includes raw fish. The name sushi refers to the vinegared rice used in it. Sushi is made with sumeshi, rice which has been gently folded with rice vinegar, salt, and sugar dressing.
Bats are not blind. All bat species have eyes and can see. Further, not all bats can echolocate and these bats have excellent night vision
cognitive biases/psychological biases: thành kiến nhận thức/thành kiến ​​tâm lý
Cheerleader effect, the tendency for people to appear more attractive in a group than in isolation.
People often underestimate risks and overestimate their ability to predict the future accurately.