Why do we work hard to earn money, but should choose to save rather than spend recklessly?
Here is the reason why we need to save money: Firstly, building wealth is related to income, investment profits, and savings. The latter is the key factor. Here is a comparison to illustrate: To grow "energy wealth," the actions people might take to achieve it and the context include: + People faced a shortage of oil because the economy was growing faster than the rate at which oil could be drilled. + The effective solution is to produce products that are energy-efficient. => To build wealth, people should decrease the amount of energy they need, rather than increase exploitation/increase the energy they have. => Conservation and efficiency are the keys rather than exploitation. The important thing is this: Finding more energy is largely out of our control and is fraught with uncertainty because it relies on geography, weather, and politics. However, using energy more efficiently is largely within our control. The decision to buy a cheaper but more efficient car is up to you. savings là Bảo tồn - Conservation và Thận trọng trong chi tiêu - Efficiency => This is also what you can control/manage Wealth is accumulated savings Wealth relative to needs and lifestyles Some people cannot save money because of their ego. When individuals achieve a certain amount of wealth or social status, they seek respect from others. One common way to express this is by purchasing expensive items. However, there are people who don't care/not give a damn what others think about them Reasons and benefits to save money: Tangible things: We can buy things we want as our goals. But be careful with the ego. We can buy things we need or savings can serve as a hedge to protect us when unpredicted events happen or worst possible moments. This is how the world operates. Intangible things: Savings offers control over our Time, flexibility, to wait for opportunities, options, a seat in a future.
Reconfirming: We say money can give us control over time because it offers us flexibility and options, which are valuable benefits of savings. When we lack control over time, we must accept whatever circumstances come our way, whether they are favorable or unfavorable. However, having financial flexibility allows us to wait for opportune moments. Savings serve as a ticket to opportunities where we must compete with others who lack such flexibility. _____ Bên lề: Thận trọng - Frugality is the quality of being frugal, sparing, thrifty, prudent, or economical in the consumption of resources such as food, time or money, and avoiding waste, lavishness or extravagance. Đánh đổi: Trade