‘All quite on the Western front’ – by Erich Maria Remarque is an anti-war book published after WWI. This book tells the story of Paul Baumer, a young German soldier fighting in western France in WWI. He was an everyday soldier fighting on a remote battlefield, his toils barely measured up to the outcome of war. Following his journey in the book, we shall learn the true terror of war. Prepare yourself for this is a heavy subject.
"We have lost all sense of other considerations, because they are artificial. Only the facts are real and important for us. And good boots are scarce." (chapter 2, page 23) WWI was the first time in history human had experienced war of that caliber. Many innovative methods to wreak havoc among enemies were introduced from both sides, for example: tank, flamethrower, poison gas, etc. Facing such atrocity, people would lose themselves and return to basic instincts for the sake of survival. One could argue that when being pushed to a corner, one’s true self will emerge. However, I believe the decisions made with cognitive and awareness indicates who we are. War could deprive you of that. Before volunteering, Paul was a student who loved his country, built a strong friendship with his schoolmates, believed in morale and honor. However, as soon as the first bomb hit the ground, it quaked all his principles, shaken them to the core, leaving an empty shell for violence, cruelty and selfish to fill. There was a scene where Paul and his friend gathered to see a mortally wounded comrade, a former classmate, in an infirmary. Though, their friend was struggling with his wounds, they still went for his boots like vultures. Nevertheless, judging them by that act is unjust, because we have to see things through their eyes, walk in their shoes, only then, can we draw our conclusion.
"We are forlorn like children, and experienced like old men, we are crude and sorrowful and superficial—I believe we are lost." (chapter 6, page 131) It is not easy to escape war, even when you are away from action, the shadow of war still lurking behind. The most tangible evident could be seen on the wounded soldier, or rather what should had been there but was not (I’m sorry). There were many occasions in the story when Paul visited the infirmary or hospital, and in all those occasions, we could not help but notice many men with missing limbs, or gravely disfigured. To those men, the war was basically over, no more marching back and forth between war zone and base. They got to go home, but the prospect of a normal future where they can take care of their family seemed bleak. They had lost their abilities to labor, inquire helps from others, etc. Some of those disabled soldier in this book tried to end it all. Another effect can be harder to spot because it affects the mind. On front line, soldiers are constantly being exposed to all sort of horrendous situations, for example: bombardment, supplies shortage, dwindling hope, regular near death experience or even captivity and abuse. All that engraved inside their mind like a burning a DVD. The only different with a DVD is that DVD becomes obsolete nowadays, whereas the said effect gets a re-branded: PTSD – Post Traumatized Stress Disorder, and as in 2018, cost the US roughly 42 billion USD for veteran’s remedy (according to American Psychological Association).
"A word of command has made these silent figures our enemies; a word of command might transform them into our friends." (chapter 8, page 201) Imagine you are fighting on a battlefield, a man with different uniform than yours charging toward your position, what is he? Is he your enemy? Under the military uniform, there is a father, husband, son or a dear friend to someone. But, a soldier does not need to know that, he better not to. How else can you shoot a man knowing a daughter will lose her father, a mother lose her son. Hence, for a soldier to fulfill his duty, war propaganda must imbue in them a warped reality where the enemy is just enemy, the evil force that must be put down at all cost and how heroic, honorable the act of killing will be. Unfortunately for Paul, he was reminded of truth. In an encounter on the battlefield, he killed a French soldier, but could not retreat on time and had to remain where the Frenchman lie. A picture of his daughter was all it took for Paul to realize his crime.
War, war never changes – Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the USA, ordained general leading the Union army in American Civil War (not the one between Captain America and Iron Man). If you do not live in a pineapple house under the sea, you would know there are many wars happening right now in the world. The ones on the spotlight right now are the war to protect Ukraine and the war against a terrorist group – Hamas. Casualty number grows exponentially as those conflicts escalate, and that includes civilians as well. It seems to me that the world has forgotten the consequences of war. Therefore, it is important that common folks like us to recognize this issue and prepare ourselves. I, you and other civilians do not want war! That is a fact and no propaganda from any government should sway us to think otherwise. When the time comes, let us all advocate for peace, since war is never the only option. Remember, peace and love!