More rain, more thoughts
It's been raining all day today!. In a few moments, I suddenly realized that love is so diverse, colorful, and but troublesome as well. When I saw other couples expressing their emotions to each other, I had more thoughts in my head not only happiness but admiration. I've got the thought because it's been a long time since I've not fallen in love with someone, maybe.
What is the boyfriend in my head like?
From the bottom of my heart, I want a shoulder to lean on, to give me belief, and to make me respect him, it's like "nể". I truly believe that if fate is enough, maybe we'll meet. And now I want to live for myself, working harder for the future. When I meet that person, I will be a version of myself who is proud and confident in his presence.
And more things are happening on rainy days, but today is tiring enough. I still don't know how to write them, perhaps I'll leave it there and write them later.
Let's Sleep and Charge up the energy for a new day...