It has been 2 months since I wrote the last post. So what's happened since that time?
Internship. In order to get my study credits, I had to work as an intern for 2 months in a five-star hotel. Due to the initial workload's lightness, I still seemed to be able to publish posts regularly in the first month. But by the second month, I was worn out. There were numerous duties that required completion. As I became more proficient in my daily work, I was given more work to assist others. I likewise struggle to decide on choosing a topic for an internship report at the same time. Regarding the topics of the questions my teacher assigned me, there was no data available, as most of the information was kept confidential by the hotel. For this reason, I almost forgot to think about writing my daily diary.
My assignment. I hadn't chosen my topics yet after my internship ended. As a result, the website was the optimal solution to this issue. I had tried my best to complete this essay for nearly 2 weeks, which had almost faked information about doing research with customers, interviewing the manager, and more. The real things were my experience and memories while I worked there. Anyway, I had already done my assignment before the deadline.
What am I going to do after that?. Making a plan to study English more seriously and maybe continue to publish posts on Spiderum, but not as usual. I reckon the only answer is basically to have no more ideas to write regularly.
If you read here, thank you, and best of luck!