Several months ago, a wise soul dropped some knowledge on me about learning English. She was like, "If you wanna master a language, just, you know, mingle with someone who speaks it fluently, if you catch my drift." Flashback to a while back, this YouTuber named 'duhocsinhmy' was all, "Your English game is on point when you can charm an American chick." Fast forward to today, and I've got a little tale to share about my Saigon escapade.
Ready for some laughs? Here we go. A few moons ago, on my final night in Saigon, I hit up this bar. Got my older sisters hyping me up for it, like, "Dude, let's score someone tonight." But get this, they threw in a challenge: bring a girl back to the hotel, and I'd pocket 50 bucks. Talk about pressure. They knew I was more of an introverted type and wanted me to level up.
So there I was, at this bar, and it was kinda dead. I mean, Sunday nights, am I right? And to make matters worse, it was all foreigners. Cue the panic mode. I'm blowing up my sisters' phones, and they're straight-up ghosting me. "Keep cool, bro," they finally reply. "Everything's gonna be chill."
That's when it hit me—they wanted me to adult up. So there I was, flying solo that night, feeling like a fish out of water.
Hours tick by, and not a single girl catches my eye. They're not bad-looking or anything, just all chilling in their squads. No openings for awkward ol' me.
And then, like a hero in a rom-com, this big group appears. One dude and a flock of girls, like a real-life harem. Guess who stood out? Not the girls, but the dude. Nah, I ain't flipping teams; he just had this aura, surrounded by all these bombshells. First thought? Maybe he's into guys. But nah, he's just wild, getting the party started when no one else would.
They're all dancing, and he's the maestro, orchestrating the chaos. He's passing out drinks like it's his calling, doing handstands, and pulling stunts I didn't even know existed. Next thing I know, he's dragging me into the mix. Cool dude, pushes his bestie my way—a sweet girl. We hit the dance floor.
But then, out of the blue, another girl- who are the main attraction notices me. She's drop-dead gorgeous, and suddenly I'm in a tangle of limbs, dancing like there's no tomorrow. Her body? Unreal.
But then, plot twist— The boy's bestie comes back, dropping bombs about that girl being a high-end escort. Cue internal freakout. Stick with 'Thao,' I figure. She's vouching for herself, saying she's not in the game. I buy it.
Now, 'Dung,' the ringleader, seems like a character straight outta comedy. Rich, clueless, and a total riot. Thao spills the tea about Dung and his harem—they're all on his payroll. But hey, she's cool, and we vibe.
Turns out, Dung's girlfriend? Yep, the one I was getting cozy with. Drama, much? I'm left wondering how a dude can be cool with his girl doing that kinda work. Maybe he's into some weird stuff.
Thao spills more deets—Dung's this rich dude living the American dream, throwing cash like confetti.
Meanwhile, I'm just here, trying to keep up with the madness.
Eventually, we bounce to the second floor, and I'm like, "Why not?"
Long story short, I end up back at the hotel with Thao, and let's just say, it was a night to remember.
Apparently, it was a bash for Thao, her quitting her job and all. And Dung? He's swimming in cash, making me rethink life choices.
Oh, and Dung? Definitely into the whole polyamory scene. Who knew? He's got this mansion where his harem chills, and they're all vying for his attention. Talk about a sugar daddy situation.
Anyway, one of the girls adds me on Insta, turns out she's an artist or something. And that, my friends, is the wildest night of my life. Thanks for tuning in. Peace out! 🤘
Anpham 29/4/2024